Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chivalry is not dead

Two days ago, I was out and about shopping and had one of those "ah-ha!" moments. I was walking into a store when a man speed walked infront of me... Just as I was thinking to myself "how rude..." he grabbed the door and opened it only to let me walk in first. He must have been in his mid-thirties so it was clearly just an act of kindness. I smiled and said thank you, he said you're welcome and we went our seperate ways. As I was walking through the store it became so clear to me that not many of the guys I grew up with would ever do something like that. And I also thought about how good it made me feel. Good old fashioned polite  gentlemen are what we need a little more of in this world. If only we could all go back in time to when things were a little different, when "ho's" were ladies, and "bro's" were gentlemen. I think I'd like that time a lot more than I do now.
Today I had an incident happen at work that has been ongoing for a while now with a particular employee I am not entirely fond of. Occasionally I'll see him and he will be friendly, but now and again he has some of the most vulgar, insulting comments that make me so uncomfortable. Being my non-confrontational self, I don't say anything, but choose to ignore what he says and let it go. Today I got so worked up about it I teared up and stormed out of the break room. I have talked myself into saying something to him and I do not look forward to it at all.
What I'm saying is this- Treating women like a floor mat isn't going to get you anywhere in life that you want to be. When did it become okay for people to talk to eachother like we're all just trash? When did it become okay to swear at, yell at, even hit women and still be a public figure (ie Chris Brown)? I am so tired of music with the nastiest lyrics, and kids who aren't even 18 yet walking around talking about sex and sluts and other things. It's not by any means "cool" to treat people poorly, especially women and girls. I wish there was something we could all do to change the minds of society and get things back to the way they were before reality tv and other negative influences. Open the door for us, pull our chair out, tell us we look pretty, and don't act like you care unless you really do.
I very much look forward to the day I meet a guy who treats me with respect and doesn't act like an animal who can't hold his tongue for 5 seconds. I truly believe not all men are the same and just because I have had about the worst experience in the world in past relationships, doesn't mean I am going to give up completely. Somewhere out there on an island, or planet, or something there has to be a group of nice guys who know how to be good people. I beleive in chivalry, and won't ever stop.


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