Sunday, March 20, 2011

TOP 5's

So I got this idea to write about different things/topics and write about the top 5 of each.. seems weird, eh.. May as well have some fun with this thing huh! Here goes...

(In no particular order)

TOP 5 songs I'm listening to right now-
1. Friday - Rebec......just kidding
1. Set fire to the rain - Adele
2. Take it personal - Go Periscope
3. New People - Blue Scholars
4. Cats and dogs - The Head and the Heart
5. Need that - Mod Sun

TOP 5 best scents ever
1. Boys (clean ones)
2. Brewing coffee
3. Fresh cut grass
4. Orange peel candles from Anthropologie
5. Rain

TOP 5 things on my grocery list-
1. Cranberry Raspberry Juice
2. Bananas
3. Frozen bags of steamable vegetables
4. Margherita Pizza
5. Asparagus

TOP 5 places I want to go before I die-
1. Italy, for the food
2. Scotland, to meet/visit relatives
3. Ireland, because of the movie PS I love you
4. Australia, for the men
5. Washington D.C. to see EVERYTHING there

TOP 5 places you should take a girl (or I guess where I'd want to be taken)
1. Rollerblading OR flying kites at a beach
2. A gun range (if you know what you're doing)
3. A hike
4. On a sail boat
5. Camping in the summer or the mountains in the winter

TOP 5 must have at all times
1. Chapstick
2. Rings
3. Washed hair
4. Good company or no company
5. Dreams and goals

TOP 5 habits
1. Random candles burning always
2. Being awkward/getting embarrassed
3. Biting lip
4. Over thinking
5. Being the mom...

TOP 5 goals in life
1. Be happy with myself
2. Have no regrets
3. Follow all dreams
4. Be just like my Mom
5. Travel, a lot

TOP 5 things I miss about being younger
1. Dad killing spiders
2. Recess
3. Buying new plain white Adidas at the beginning of the school year
4. Dressing up for High School dances
5. Barbies

TOP 5 things I never have and never will do
1. Steal
2. Man made drugs (besides medicine, duh)
3. Someone elses boyfriend
4. Go streaking
5. Ask my boyfriend/husband if we can wear matching shirts

TOP 5 guilty pleasures
1. Frozen hersheys chocolate bars
2. Watching professional golf/ HGTV
3. Blasting stupid music like Avril Lavigne when getting ready
4. Nonfat vanilla lattes from random coffee stands and comparing
5. Fuzzy socks

TOP 5 pet peeves
1. Hearing people swallow when drinking
2. When people are walking toward you and don't try to dodge you
3. When people try to embarrass other people to feel better about themself
4. When people all of the sudden were someones best friend after they pass away/using it to get attention
5. Rap music lyrics

TOP 5 times I am the happiest
1. When I'm with my best friends doing nothing
2. When around puppies or kittens
3. When something is so funny you can't stop laughing
4. When people can hang out with out needing or wanting to be drunk or high
5. Christmas dinner with extended family

That was actually really fun, yay!


1 comment:

  1. Come visit me in Scotland next year! The perfect excuse. And when you blast Avril Lavign, you better be thinking of our super special sixth grade remix.
