Friday, March 11, 2011

What is guaranteed

Yesterday we were all given the tragic news of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan.. what is there to say? We all send our prayers and we all cry a bit thinking of the families left without a home, without a family. That country will spend over a decade rebuilding what was once their home. And who to blame? Where to point the anger? God? Mother Nature? There's nothing to be said that can change or heal the hurt in thousands of lives.
My first thought was "Wow, that could have happened to us.." And then what? How would we have handled ourselves... You see stuff on the news, you read about it, you watch videos of tragic, tragic, things and never really experience them for yourself. It's always someone else. What if it wasn't? I can't help but think how fragile life really is, and how precious each day is. To wake up every morning truly is a gift, and to waste it is such a shame. It's times like these we remember what's really important and stop to remind ourselves that you really never know what tomorrow brings, or if you'll even be here to find out. I guess my point is that because tomorrow is never guaranteed ... why wouldn't we make the most of the moment that is guaranteed, right now. Tell the people you love that you love them, hell even tell the people you don't like how you feel. You don't want to wake up one day with regrets, wishing you had done things differently. I have always tried to base my life around this philosophy.. even taking the step of getting "live for today" tattooed on my foot. But even I have my moments where I lose sight of this goal and let the troubles of every day life get the best of me.
My heart truly aches for all of those people suffering. I wish there were something I could do to make their pain a little easier. Having been through several losses in my own family, I understand some of what these people are going through even if it is only one part. Praying all the time for Japan.


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