Thursday, March 10, 2011

Well, well, well

Tonight I had the idea of starting a blog... Why not, right? A person with a million thoughts in their head should get them out. What better way to do that than on the Internet, because who wants a journal anyways? So I guess this is the start to my lovely, hard to figure out, self indulging, semi embarrassing....BLOG.
I'm not really sure how these things go.. so I guess I'll just rant a little and give some stories that I find interesting for the time being until I can figure out what this is all about. I'll first start with myself.. My name is Kelly, I'm 20, a Scorpio, Christian, vegetarian, shy, slightly awkward, open hearted, blonde hair blue eyed, tattooed, single, mostly friendly, student, residing in the greater Seattle area. (To name the obviously important things...) I'm a Paralegal student, hoping to find a job in criminal law someday...and ultimately hoping to find my place in the world. Talking about myself and my feelings and crap isn't usually what I do...but it seems like a good release, and no one will read it anyway. But here goes.


My newest "thing" if you will, is meditation. Which sounds a little weird, and I don't really spill it that often, actually ever, but hey, judge away. I find it to be extremely useful in this crazy world we live in with cell phones and computers and ipods (sometimes all in one) and our constantly on-the-go lifestyles. Sometimes it feels like my brain is spinning so fast I can't keep up. With all the pressures out there, it's hard to have a second to feel anything at all. With homework and finals and friends and jobs and bills and chores and everything else...where is there time to stop and deal with your problems? There isn't. That's why I have made the decision to slow down, take every day one by one, remove the things that cause extra stress, and make my life more focused on finding my serenity. I have filled my apartment with plants, candles, and love in hopes of relaxing my mind and mellowing out. Meditating gives me that moment to sit down and think about nothing, say nothing, and do nothing. I did a little reading up on it before I started, to get a feel of what one does while meditating, and truthfully there are no rules. You can do whatever your heart desires... it's not about sitting criss-cross and humming over and over again, it's about finding your inner peace and allowing yourself for even just a second, to let go and just be. Personally, I like to turn off all the lights and light candles. I then put on music with no words. I sit or lay on the ground and breathe until all I am thinking about is breathing. Try it, I promise it helps.. Most will read this and laugh or maybe even make fun of me, and it doesn't really matter because you have to do what makes you feel better, and what will make you happy. Finding, appreciating, and loving yourself is the key to happiness...and I feel I am on the way there. One peaceful day at a time.



  1. As much as I like to make fun of people I actually won't make fun of you for this. In fact I recently started to do some meditating of my own. So much of western culture nowadays is geared towards consumerism, superficial materialism, and unnecessary drama. Rarely does the media ever provide us with anything but bad news while advertisements own the airwaves and constantly bombard you with their influence that you NEED to spend your hard earned cash on the newest this or that and the only way to do this is to work work work! Follow that up with a little bit of a (non)reality show like Jersey Shore, and you've got yourself a nice little evening full of negativity, misdirecting influence, and disconnected, packaged television drama. Now I'm not saying that these things don't have their place but it's up to us as individuals to decide what we want to do with our time and what we do or don't want to expose ourselves to. We can choose to be sedentary and just let the world and its stresses and influences determine the direction of our attitude or we can be pro-active. We can adopt an awareness of not only the world around us but just as importantly an awareness of ourselves and every once in awhile turn off the TV, cell phone, radio, and computer, take a step back and just BREATHE....

  2. It's funny cause I was going to mention something about Jersey Shore and how watching that stuff makes me on edge, tense and irritated.. Not to say it doesn't have it's time and place to bring a little humor, but for the sake of sanity and peace and quiet, I've gained a few hours of my life by skipping an episode or two..

  3. Kell I'm gunna try it, once when i had a tummy ache at your house you told me to lay on my back and using my fingers to rub rectangles around my belly button, and it worked. \

    I had a huge tummy ache the other day and when all else failed i tried your secret trick again, and low and behold it worked!! hopefully this will too, keep writing!! muah<3

  4. you just made me smile so big! love you:)
